Call for Participants

Student who wishes to apply to ASLF 2019 should submit these following pre-assignments:

Pre-Assignment 1: Country Report

(Country report should be submitted AFTER you are selected as delegate (not be submitted together with registration form))

Student who wishes to apply to this programme is required to write a country report (length 500-1000 words, PDF) regarding the current state conditions, opportunities, challenges, and strategies of the country in facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The country report should be submitted in the application form. As this presentation will be conducted by students, during the conference day, students will be asked to gather with their fellow nationalities to discuss and formulate a country position that will be presented before all participants of 7th ASLF. The time given for the presentation is 10 minutes.

Pre-Assignment 2: Best Practices

(Best Practices should be uploaded when you fill the registration form)

Each university wishing to apply should also provide their representatives with best practices or flagship programmes in that respective university in a form of slides for a presentation with the duration of 10 minutes. We will select 5 best practices to get the honor of presenting their programmes in front of ASLF and AUN-SAN participants to share their knowledge and know-how on excelling The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

As each university wishing to participate in this programme is expected to submit the best practices in their respective university on the flagship programmes that they have carried out in a form of slides for a presentation with the duration of 10 minutes. From the submitted best practices, the organizing committee will choose five best practices to be presented before all participants. The best practices contains the overview of any programme carried out by the university (be it the Students’ Union, Student Affairs, or any department in the university) that aims to improve students’ capacity in facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution (e.g. entrepreneurship incubator and accelerator, etc.).


Application should be directed through this website before 25 January 2019 and we will contact your university through the e-mail.