ASLF Activities

Country Report Presentation

Each participant is expected to bring a country report. The country report should be submitted to the committee before the conference day, as candidates who wish to attend this conference are specifically requested to write a country report (length 500-1000 words) regarding the current state, opportunities, challenges, and strategies of their respective country in facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As this presentation will be conducted by students, during the conference day, students will be asked to gather with their fellow nationalities to discuss and formulate a country position that will be presented before all participants of 7th ASLF. The time given for the presentation is 10 minutes.

Presentation on the Best Practices

As each university wishing to participate in this programme is expected to submit the best practices in their respective university on the flagship programmes that they have carried out in a form of slides for a presentation with the duration of 10 minutes. From the submitted best practices, the organizing committee will choose five best practices to be presented before all participants. The best practices contains the overview of any programme carried out by the university (be it the Students’ Union, Student Affairs, or any department in the university) that aims to improve students’ capacity in facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution (e.g. entrepreneurship incubator and accelerator, etc.).

Group Project Presentation

In other sessions, students will be divided into several groups of ten to formulate an idea on how to solve society’s most pressing issues in relations to the opportunities and challenges arising from the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The groups are expected to present their ideas during the sessions provided by the Organizing Committee as it can be seen in the schedule. Their ideas can be manifested in a business plan, startup model, or initiatives to create projects.

Poster Presentation

Besides the oral presentation by the students, the group project should also be presented in a form of a poster presentation. This will serve as the complementary to the aforementioned oral presentation. The poster presentation will be posted on our website so that the wider public can get access to the outcome of the conference.

ASLF Schedule

Click the button below to explore ASLF Schedule.

Register NOW!

Registration is open until 18th January 2019, apply now!